Thursday 1 April 2010

Evaluation - Matthew

Please follow the link above to view my slideshow for Question 7, Below are screenshots of Photoshop and Blogger and also i have placed a link to our Photoshoot video on our blog (if link does not work, please go onto our group blog to view it).

Here is a screen shot of photoshop, the Program we used in the production or our preliminary task to our main. ^

Here is a screenshot of blogger ^

Photoshoot video

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Evaluation - Matthew

Evaluation - Matthew

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
For this question i have researched 2 major institutions that could distribute our media product, these were EMAP and BAUER.
EMAP currently has KERRANG! magazine under its belt. It mainly focuses on buisness to buisness magazines and also spreads over the radio to reach a larger audience, through my research i have found that kerrang magazine has been well known for publicising other buisnesses and what i find similiar is that it is just like our magazine as they both have a specific age range and demographics just like ours.
BAUER is responsible for Q magazine and also holds KERRANG TV. BAUER is a german company and spreads over tv and radio worldwide to gain a larger audience and to attract more people also it is responsible for printing of other consumer magazines. BAUER i think is the best as it specialises in the printing of consumer magazines which appeals to our demographic of spreading messages and teaching others who want to get into the music industry.

Evaluation - Emily

Pardon for my stutter. The photos are images taken on the day of the photoshoot; containing some of the images that we decided not to use.

Evaluation - Matthew

Evaluation - Emily

Final Covers, Contents, and DPS