Sunday 17 January 2010

Case Study - Lizzie Layout

The layout uses simplicity to create an effect with just using 3 colours, purple, black and white. The colours complement each other well and Kerrang has expertise in this style and uses complimenting running colour themes throughout most of their stories in their magazine. It is neatly and formally presented with the HIM (music band) logo placed cleverly behind a title of Affairs of the Heart. (As the logo contains a hear shape within it.) It has two simple columns lined up to make it easy for the readers to know exactly where to start and the direction of reading. Columns are also a formal way of presenting things and would suggest that the article would be formal and compacted with information. It highlights certain words in purple and this layout automatically draws your eyes towards these words creating and instant reaction. A picture down either the left or right side is a typical layout form and is one that is used in this article. Everything is neatly specially presented as to not overpower the simple meaning of the article and so it’s easy to read instead of overcrowding the page with information making in difficult to read and know where to start. All the words are neatly in line in a fixed position making it simpler for the eyes of the reader.

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