Thursday 11 March 2010

construction of contents - Matthew

Finally i had added all of the images and i had to add the text to the page to make it look like a contents page. The blue text boxes in the last 4 images show how i added each layer and moved them to fill the page, as we have 3 people in the band and have each got their own magazine front cover, contents and double page spread we have given ll 3 individual colors. Charlotte has Blue, Tom has Brown/Orange and Josh has Red. So on each contents page i changed the color accordingly.
Here i have almost finished putting together the images, again each layer i added i linked with the rest of the image. here also i had to change the individual colors to suit each person.

Here i created a black background to place my pictures on. i have taken a screenshot of me adding each layer to the background and as i added each layer i linked them all together so i could move them about together buh if i wanted to move just one i had to unlink it then re-link it to the rest of the image. (image below)

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