Saturday, 27 March 2010

Evaluation - Lizzie

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our genre is indie rock and represents the social groups who are teens/young adults and are festival goers. Our media product does this by focusing on what teens and young adults enjoy and want out of the magazine.

We represent the social group by taking the information we got from our questionnaire and applying it to the magazine. We also represent the particular social group with the traditional colours of rock- red, white and black which sit comfort with our social group and he demographic.

As our demographic is a young audience, having our photos of artists rocking out and smashing things up (having fun) represents our young rebellious social groups.

The lifestyle of our audience is quite busy as they are at school and are spending a lot of time practicing and recording and going to festivals. These social groups need something light and easy to read in their hectic life and our media product represents theses social groups by not overloading the magazine and having light readable articles.

We also represent theses social groups by our article, that interviews and artist. We actually interviewed real life artists and people who have produced singles and done gigs and are young adults themselves and so represent these social groups.
Also all the information in our magazine is from other artists and bands who are the same genre as the magazine. The social groups are reading basically advice from other people like them and is how our media product represents these social groups.

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